SL045010-PP-2NR, Cylindrical roller bearing, locating bearing, double row, full complement bearing
Weight and Dimensions
- Inner (d) MM50
- Outer (D) MM80
- Width (B) MM40
- Weight (kg)0.75
Product Properties
- Bore C - Cylindrical Bore
- Seal 2L - LS-seal at Both Sides
- Cage Type FC - Full Complement, No Cage
- External Modification 2R - 2 Snap Rings in O.D.
- Radial Internal Play Cn Normal Internal Play
- Precision Standard Precision
- Heat Stabilization No Heat Stabilization - Temperatures up to 120 °C
Data from Schaeffler (medias)
- Radial Static Load Rating C0r (N) 151000
- Radial Dynamic Load Rating Cr (N) 102000
- ECLASS number 23-05-09-01
- ECLASS2 number 23-05-09-01
- Medias description Cylindrical roller bearing SL04..-PP-2NR, full complement roller set, two-row, locating bearing, central rib on outer ring, 3 ribs on inner ring, type SL04
pp-Lip Seals On Both Sides Of The Bearing 2NR-Supplied With Two Loose-Packed Retaining Rings WRE